Sunday, November 23, 2014

Becoming Something Different: Learning from Esme

Becoming Something Different: Learning from Esme
By: Fairbanks, Crooks, and Ariail


I'm doing my blog on Esme off of Betsy's blog. Betsy posted a video called "Culture Shock". In this video many different people from places all over the world talked about their experiences when coming to America from different countries. Everyone felt culture shock and they didn't understand the new culture because it was so different from theirs. I feel it's important for people, schools, and teachers anywhere in the world to realize that when people change countries it's possibly very different from where they came from. That as Betsy mentions, Esme did better in school when she was one on one learning. It's not that she couldn't learn the material but maybe if the people, schools, and teachers applied different techniques in learning she and many people in her situation could adjust and learn better in the new cultures. It's important to talk to and try to understand the cultures people come from.

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