The video first focuses on the race topic. One quote that I really liked from this video was from Gary Orfield when he said, "Colorblind solutions in a polarized country don't work." How true is that! How does anyone think they can better anything if they are not seeing what's actually going on? Another quote is, "education is the pathway from slavery to freedom." - Fredrick Douglas. The video wants the listener to focus that race still matters in schools. Also, I believe Gary Orfield said, "you need to focus on P-16 not just k-12". I agree 100%. People are always learning, so education is never ending.The video next focuses on reform. When talking about reform three points were brought up. First, The common core, where students should focus on advanced skills and everyone needs and deserves the opportunity to learn. Second, Teacher Prep. That it is not helping society grow by preventing students from different opportunities. Third, Close the School. When you take a school out of a community it's doing more harm to the community. The last topic the video focuses on was right.
This video was very informative. The three speakers did a great job at making the audience aware of the Race, Reform and Rights topic.
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